Monday, September 17, 2012


This week our school focus is to be respectful to the people we play and work with. We discussed this in class and we decided to use the Alphabet Key to come up with qualities and words that we can use to show respect.

Let's see what you think !

Accepting Belonging Compliments Discussing Excellence Focussed Giving Helpful Including Joining Kindness Listening Manners Negotiate Open-minded Positivity Quiet Reminding Sensible Teaching Understanding Values Whispering volume level eXtraordinary Yes Zealous

And there you have it. An alphabetic guide to being respectful in Room 14 and Grey Lynn School.

By Room 14


  1. Hello Room 14,

    Great list. What do you mean by whispering?

  2. Talofa Room 14,
    What a cool way to learn some helpful ways to be respectful. It is also a good way to learn the alphabet...especially if you are five year old! With regards to the W for whispering did you mean talk in a quiet voice - that would be respectful when others are sharing and you need to say something. Thanks for sharing. Fa for now

  3. Hi room14,

    I like your list, it makes me feel happy just reading it. Such great, uplifting, powerful, feel-good words.

    Zealous is my favorite word of the day. Do you know I had to look it up in the dictionary? Ahhaa, learning is lifelong, you never stop even when you are older like me.


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