Monday, October 19, 2015

Research on Planes

Easy Blog Photo
Hi these are my planes that I have worked on to present today finished,with my work on the back of the planes with the information on that plane. I have been working on this research for about two months . It was tiring to do it all in two months but I have managed to get it finished to present to my friends today. I did this in independent writing time because I liked the style of research and it can take my writing to the next level. By Jojo


  1. Hi Jojo,
    They are very cool. How long did it take to make it?
    Great work Ashley rm10

  2. Hi jojo,
    That is an amazing peice of writing and work.
    you must have put long hours of work into it.
    Well done.
    Did you learn a lot from this progect or did you know about most of it.
    All in all Amazing job.
    Alexandra and Naomi
    Rm 10

  3. Hi Jojo,
    This is an amazing piece of writing.
    How long did it take to do this.
    Well done

    From Briarn, Kalia, Daisy


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