Saturday, February 11, 2017

Bring Back the Monkeybars #BBMB

Most children bring a yummy lunch and a new bag to the first day of school. Ila and Jaya brought that, and more. They came to school armed to change the world...well, at least Grey Lynn Park. Over the summer they started a campaign and brought all their petitions, signs and badges to school o start the #BBMB movement. 

Jaya and Ila started a petition to bring back the monkey bars at Grey Lynn Park. They shared their idea at the first school assembly. 

Please watch the video below, and if you can help, sign their petition and support them. 

This goes to prove that it doesn't matter how small you are, speak out about a good cause and your voice is LOUD!!!!

Jaya and Ila. 

Bring Back the Monkey Bars from Grey Lynn Scribblers on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. Talofa Jaya and Ila,
    what a great way to start the first week back at school. All best with the campaign and I will make sure to see you both to collect my badges and sign your petition.
    Grey Lynn today...tomorrow the WORLD!!
    Super work girls!


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